Learning Org Mode

Yusef Aslam - 24 Apr 2024

Tags: emacs,org-mode

Learning Org Mode.

Start at the info manual here.

Comment from Reddit post:

  • It may seem daunting, but I can confirm that the full manual is a great way to learn org. I learned org by setting aside an afternoon, opening the manual and reading it straight through while trying things out with an emacs window open. If you spend an hour or two with it, you will be greatly rewarded.

Other learning resources

  1. Good video guide: https://thoughtbot.com/blog/getting-started-with-org-mode

  2. This is another good blog post about how to start using Org-Mode: https://karl-voit.at/2020/01/20/start-using-orgmode/

  3. Another good blog post by Protesilaos on note taking in Emacs: https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2024-03-22-re-advice-emacs-note-taking/

    • What Protesilaos mentions above is to just use one file, notes.org and write notes in that file with a seperate heading for each note. A very simple setup, and lets you focus on learning to write notes instead of learning just Org Mode and its vast amount of features.

My thoughts (based on what I’ve read from Prot and Karl Voit)

People do not use 100% of Org Mode’s features, they use a very small subset of the features that Org Mode provides. Using 100% of Org Mode’s features would be annoying and by focusing so much on using all of Org Mode’s features, you are unable to focus on the writing, which is more important.

When you are a beginner in Org Mode you should focus on the writing and not the vast amounts of features in Org Mode.

So keep it simple, have one file notes.org and put notes in seperate headings. When you do that for a while, your understanding of your requirements in Org Mode will increase, then you can start to use the features of Org Mode that you need. At the moment I don’t know what I need in Org Mode, so just keep it simple.

Org Mode is as complex as you need it to be, so if you want just a simple note-taking solution, you can use Org Mode in that way, don’t focus on the other features that you don’t need, and do not look at how others use Org Mode, they understand their requirements and I do not.

Org Mode will not help you become a better writer, only you will. Instead Org Mode is just a way for you to write, no method can improve your ability to write other than just writing.

Regenerated at : February 27, 2025 - 12:02:41 GMT